Projectors vs. TVs: Which Is Best for Home Theaters?

One of the most important decisions when building or upgrading a home theater is the kind of screen you want to add. Projectors might seem like an obvious choice, but TVs are becoming viable options these days.

What’s right for you will depend on which features you find the most important. This post will cover the key differences between projectors and TVs to help you decide which is best for your home theater.

Screen Size

The most important factor to consider when replicating a theater-like experience is the size of the screen. If you want the largest screen possible, projectors are the way to go. However, you shouldn’t completely write off television screens.

Some TVs are big enough to give you a cinematic experience all on their own. If your home theater is in a small room, an 85-inch screen could be all you need. Still, it’s hard to beat projector screens, which usually start at 85 inches.

Picture Quality

Screen size means nothing if the picture quality is bad. In order to be cinematic, the screen has to immerse you, which is what TVs are well-known for. TVs beat projectors in many categories, from brightness and contrast to color accuracy and resolution.

This is only true if you compare TVs and projectors of similar price ranges. Projectors have come a long way in terms of picture quality, so you can easily get one that outperforms some of the best TVs if you can afford it.

Sound Quality

We can’t forget sound quality. No matter how great your screen is, immersion will break if the sound isn’t just right. TVs win by a landslide here. While not all TVs have great built-in sound systems, the expensive ones can really blow you away with how good they are out of the box.

Some projectors don’t include sound systems. The ones that do usually have low-quality speakers. Even if you find one that doesn’t sound half bad, the sound will still come from one source, which isn’t ideal. Either way, this point is moot if you plan on installing a surround sound system. Still, it’s good to know which one is better if you don’t upgrade your sound system right away.

Overall Aesthetic

While it’s easy to get caught up in the specs, the final thing to consider when deciding if a projector or TV is better for your home theater is the overall aesthetic of your screen. The goal of a home theater is to make it feel like you’re at the movies, watching a flick on the big screen. Nothing will make you feel that way more than a projector system.

Regardless of which screen you choose, look no further than Altitude AV if you’re in need of a home theater installation service in Denver. We’re pros when it comes to audio and video needs, and we’ll make sure the screen you chose for your home theater works out perfectly.


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